Bring the Great Outdoors Inside – Digitally!

April 24, 2020

The great outdoors! Well, for now we’re all having to primarily enjoy the (not as great) indoors. As spring blooms outside our windows, we are adjusting to the new normal of social distancing and staying at home.

However, that does not mean we can’t enjoy nature. We’re here in your inbox with tips, tricks, and reminders to help you stay healthy during this wild time and ways to bring the great outdoors into your living room.

Digital Resources:

Ways to (safely) be outside:

  • Go for a walk in your neighborhood with someone you live with, practicing social distancing.
  • Sit outside in a yard, garden, or on your stoop to enjoy the sunshine.
  • Open your window to enjoy the natural sounds of birdsong.

Farmers Market Update:

Aquidneck Community Table has reopened the Saturday Grower’s Market! Check out their website for information about protocols and instructions to keep everyone safe (and socially distanced) while at the market. They have also put out this list of vendors you can contact directly for ordering, pickup, and delivery.


  • The City of Newport, the Town of Middletown, and the State of Rhode Island have announced parking lot closures at some parks and beaches. They are all encouraging residents to enjoy time outdoors, but explore closer to home. Go for walks around your neighborhood and don’t drive to parks.
  • Stay up to date on the most recent COVID-19 recommendations on RI’s Department of Health website.
  • Stay home if you are sick and avoid getting close to other people if you do go out.
  • Call your healthcare provider if stress gets in the way of your daily activities for several days in a row.

Natural beauty is all around us – in our backyards, in the sky, in our neighborhoods. As difficult as it is to avoid our favorite natural areas, these measures are only temporary and will save lives. It is possible to follow these guidelines and enjoy nature and the outdoors to improve your physical and mental health.

Mental Health Guidance

Newport County Mental Health remains a frontline healthcare provider and remains open, by appointment only. Their number is 401-846-1213 both for emergency and non-emergency situations.

Share the joy!

Signs of Spring are all around us. Finding joy in the simple things is helpful in coping during these stressful times. Share your pictures of spring in bloom (or anything else outdoors that brings you joy!) and tag #sharingjoyNOSP